Ways Dental Implants Can Improve The Functionality Of My Teeth

When people have missing teeth, it can negatively impact their overall look, self-confidence, and their ability to eat, speak, and chew properly. Without strong and stable teeth, patients won’t have proper dental functionality to live their life the way they want. Fortunately, a skilled oral surgeon may recommend the patient getting dental implants in Omaha, NE to improve the functionality of their teeth.


How Are Dental Implants In Omaha, NE placed?

Dental implants are a life-changing, popular and effective way to replace missing teeth. The procedure involves placing a small titanium screw, the dental implant post, into the patient’s jawbone. A dental implant post is used to act as a natural tooth root. Just like natural tooth roots stimulate the jawbone to make it healthy and strong, so does the dental implant post.

After the dental implant post has been strategically placed in the patients jawbone for long-lasting results, the dental implant post can fuse with the jawbone. The process of the dental implant post fusing with jawbone is called osseointegration. Healing from a dental implant placement surgery can take a few months.

Once the dental implant is successfully placed in the patient’s jawbone, and the patient goes to get their crown or prosthetic placed by a dental professional, the patient will be able to have a secure and stable new smile.

How Do Dental Implants Improve The Functionality Of My Teeth?

Dental implants in Omaha, NE can make a significantly lasting impact on teeth that are damaged or missing, to improve all aspects of a smile and oral health. Dental implants have several benefits that can improve the functionality of a patient’s teeth. The ways dental implants can improve dental functionality include:

  • A restored and youthful jawbone
  • Dental implants can securely hold stable and functional prosthetic teeth
  • Patients can have a complete diet with full chewing and biting power function
  • Make it possible to speak clearly again
  • Improves the overall quality of the patient’s life

Dental implants are a revolutionary tooth replacement procedure and must be placed by an oral surgeon that has the experience in successfully and efficiently placing them. A oral surgeon is skilled, caring, knowledgeable, has a professional staff, and works in a modern office that allows them to give their valued patients the best results yet. With dental implants, patients can go back to eating, speaking, and smiling with ease, comfort, and confidence.


Ready To Get Dental Implants For A Functional Smile?

Tired of having to deal with all the problems associated with having missing teeth? Get back to a fully functional and beautiful smile with dental implants. Get in contact with our doctors, Dr. John Wewel and our experienced team at our Midwest Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today!

How Do Dental Implants Improve My Smile?

a single dental implant placed in a jawbone 3d model.

For people who are currently struggling with missing, damaged, or misshapen teeth, dental implants in Omaha, NE can be a phenomenal option to restore the look of their smile and their dental function. With dental implants, patients can eat, chew, and speak with ease and confidence. The dental implant procedure has many life improving benefits, and they are all discussed in this blog!


What Exactly Is A Dental Implant?

A dental implant is composed of a dental implant post, an abutment, and a tooth crown or prosthetic. The dental implant prosthetic can be custom made so it looks like the patient’s natural teeth. A skilled doctor can help patients determine if dental implants in Omaha, NE are the best treatment option to restore their smile.


How Are Dental Implants Placed?

Dental implants are typically made of titanium and act as artificial teeth. After the dental implant post is placed in the jawbone, the abutment is then placed on top of the dental implant. Once the dental implants have healed, the crown or prosthetic can be placed. After the dental implant procedure is complete, patients can have a beautiful, strong, and function new smile.


The Ways Dental Implants In Omaha, NE Can Improve Your Smile

Dental implants are a proven tooth replacement option and are very beneficial to a patient’s oral health. Dental implant procedures can replace one or more missing or damaged teeth very soon after the dental implant surgery with the temporary dental prosthetic!

Dental implants are very strong and can last a long time if they are taken care of properly. Once dental implants are placed in the jawbone, they do not need to be replaced or removed. One of the most important benefits of dental implants is that they do not require any restoration work. Once the dental implant is securely placed, the patient does not have to continually receive dental work outside of regular maintenance.

The dental implant post acts as a tooth root, so it stimulates the patients jawbone once it is placed. This gives the patient a strong and healthy jawbone for long lasting dental implants. Dental implants also restore a patient’s ability to eat, chew, and speak normally, and it restores their confidence to smile.


Get Your Life-Changing Dental Implants With Us

Discover the wonder of dental implants at our experienced and practiced office. Contact our doctors, Dr. Jerome WeesDr. John WewelDr. Jason May, and Dr. Benjamin Anderson, in our Midwest Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today! We are fully equipped to restore your smile.

Why Would I Get Dental Implants After a Tooth Extraction?

a full mouth model showcasing a single tooth extraction.

Whenever possible, dental professionals try to save existing, natural teeth. However, when a tooth has undergone extensive damage or decay—or has become a problem for another reason—it sometimes needs to be removed. A tooth extraction, however, is not the end of the story. Once a tooth is removed, a dental implant should immediately be placed.

Continue reading to learn more about why a dental implant in Omaha, NE should be placed after a tooth is extracted.


What Happens To The Jawbone Once A Tooth Is Extracted?

Teeth serve many purposes. With functional teeth, people can bite, chew, and rip their foods properly. Teeth can also help people speak, allow them to whistle, and they can give people a beautiful smile.

However, when a tooth is missing and exposed gums are there, this can pose as a dangerous situation for the exposed area. Bacteria, for instance, can start growing in the area where the missing tooth was due to food particles getting lodged in that space.

If left untreated, bacteria growth in the area of the missing tooth can lead to systemic health conditions if they travel from the mouth into other parts of the body through the bloodstream. This can potentially lead to issues with the heart, blood, lungs, and other organs. Therefore, it is critical to treat an area where a tooth is missing immediately, including the tooth roots.


Are Tooth Roots Necessary For Jawbone Health?

Teeth are more than just the pearly whites that show above the gumline. A tooth root is just as critical as the top, the crown, of the tooth. Tooth roots sit deep in the jaw, stimulating the jawbone. In fact, tooth roots “tell” the jawbone it is there so that it stays strong and stable for lasting teeth and jawbone health.

When a tooth falls out, gets knocked out, or is extracted, the jawbone is no longer getting stimulated. As a result, the shape of the jaw begins to change, which can lead to further bone loss and shifting of adjacent teeth. This is why getting dental implants in Omaha, NE are the best option for improving jawbone health and giving patients a lasting and functional smile.


A Trusted Doctor Can Replaced Your Missing Teeth With Dental Implants In Omaha, NE

It is important for people to have a healthy jawbone and for those with missing teeth, dental implants can keep their jawbone stimulated and strong. A dental professional can assess a patient’s mouth and accurately place the necessary dental implants with precision using advanced technology. This way, a patient’s jawbone and teeth remain healthy and looking great for a lifetime.


You Should Come To Our Office For Your Dental Implant Surgery

When you have missing or extracted teeth, your jawbone’s health and function are at risk. Be free from a damaged or dull smile with dental implants. Get in contact with doctors, Dr. Jerome WeesDr. John WewelDr. Jason May, and Dr. Benjamin Anderson, in our Midwest Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today!

What Is The All On X Treatment?

a dentist painting a full mouth all on x dental prosthetic implant model.

Having a beautiful smile can certainly be a great feature to have. However, for those who have missing teeth, or those who have teeth that are damaged, misshaped, or even discolored, a trusted doctor can assess the patient’s teeth to determine which treatment option could be best for them. The All On X dental implant procedure in Omaha, NE is a great option to replace missing teeth.


How Are All On X Dental Implants Placed?

With All On X dental implant’s in Omaha, NE, four to eight dental implant posts can be used to restore a patients smile. Dental implants are screw-like posts that are typically made from the material titanium. The dental implants are strategically placed in the patient’s jawbone, where they function as natural tooth roots.

Over time, the dental implants will fuse with the patient’s jawbone, creating a strong foundation for the dental prosthetic to be placed on. All On X dental implants are a long-term solution that can improve a patients oral health, appearance, and overall quality of life.


The Benefits That Come From All On X Dental Implants In Omaha, NE

All On X dental implants have a long lifespan and will not wear out from normal chewing. They do not require removal and are a permanent tooth replacement option. All On X dental implants are a great alternative to dentures, which can become ill-fitting and move around in the patients mouth, causing them discomfort.

All On X dental implants can give patients a more stable bite, a restored smile, and a reduction in bone loss. Since All On X dental implants are customizable, they can be a great, personalized approach to dental care.


Come Replace Your Missing Teeth With Us

Don’t wait to replace your missing or damaged teeth with All On X dental implants. With this advanced procedure, you can replace your full arch of missing teeth, allowing you to chew, bite, speak, and smile with ease. Get in contact with doctors, Dr. Jerome WeesDr. John WewelDr. Jason May, and Dr. Benjamin Anderson, in our Midwest Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today! All On X dental implants can restore your smile for years to come.

What Factors Affect The Cost Of Dental Implants In Omaha, NE?

an image of an oral surgeon smiling with a patient into a mirror after she has learned all the factors that can affect the cost of her dental implants

Dental implants are a great investment to restore a patient’s imperfect smile. However, some people may be wondering how this proven tooth restoration option may impact their wallet. There are many dental implant procedure factors that need to be taken into account when determining the cost of dental implant’s in Omaha, NE.


What Can Dental Implants Do For Me?

Dental implants are a popular way to replace teeth that have been extracted, damaged, or knocked out. The dental implant posts are typically made of titanium and are strategically placed into the patient’s jawbone. Dental implants have become the go-to tooth replacement option because they are a more permanent and stable solution than traditional dentures.

However, since each patient’s smiles and needs are unique, dental implant procedure costs can vary from patient to patient.

Factors That Can Determine Dental Implant Costs In Omaha, NE

When patients come to a skilled oral surgeon to see if the life changing dental implant procedure is right for them, they should take into account the factors that can affect the cost of their treatment.

Here are a few dental implant procedure factors that patients should consider when they are looking at the cost of dental implants:

Furthermore, going to a skilled oral surgeon for dental implant procedures is a cost-effective way for patients to get the dental implants they need because oral surgeons have the advanced techniques and technologies to give patients long-term results. When dental implant procedures successfully restore patient’s dental functionality the first time, the cost of their dental implant procedure does not go up.

Patients can also bring down the costs of their necessary dental implant procedure with their insurance so that they can get the functional, beautiful smile they need and deserve.

Whether patients are replacing one tooth or a full arch of missing teeth, dental implants can give patients a great smile that will allow them to live their life normally. Because this is such an important tooth restoration procedure, a caring oral surgeon can work with each patient to make sure they are getting the best treatment possible. This includes making sure patients know the specific treatment factors that go into their dental implant procedure cost.


We Can Help Figure Out What Factors Affect The Cost Of Your Dental Implants

Don’t let the costs of dental implant procedure stop you from achieving your best smile yet! Get in contact with Dr. John Wewel and our quality team at our Midwest Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today! We can help you determine the cost of your specific dental implant procedure.




Do I Need Bone Grafting Before A Dental Implant Treatment?

socket preservation and bone grafting to prepare for a dental implant.Dental implants are a popular treatment option for those who are missing teeth or are experiencing damaged or broken teeth that need repair. Dental implants are most successful when they are placed on a sturdy and solid jawbone. If a dentist determines a patient’s jawbone is not as sturdy, then they may need to receive a bone grafting procedure. This way, their dental implants will last a lifetime!


How Is Bone Grafting Performed?

Bone grafting is typically done when there is not enough bone in the jaw to support the dental implant. Bone grafting can help improve the long-term success of dental implants by increasing the amount of available bone. The procedure also can be used to help support a bridge, denture or other dental restoration treatment.

Bone grafting can be done in several ways, depending on the needs of every patient’s individual situation. One common option is called a guided bone regeneration procedure. This method involves placing tiny metal screws in the jawbone to help guide its growth and promote faster healing. Then, the damaged bone is removed, and a layer of special membrane and collagen are placed over the area.

A small amount of the patients own donated bone marrow is also used to help spur recovery. Next, a healing cap is placed on the area to protect it from bacteria and other germs. Finally, the jawbone is allowed to heal and grow back into shape.


About The Dental Implant Procedure After Bone Grafting In Omaha, NE

The dental implant surgery involves placing a metal post in the jawbone to act as a new tooth root. In some cases, patients may need to have bone grafting surgery before getting dental implants.

Since dental implants in Omaha, NE are truly a revolutionary investment in restorative dentistry, a trusted dentist wants to make sure every patients results are maximized. Bone grafting is a method used to ensure this is the case. With bone grafting, a patient’s dental implants will help them achieve their best smile yet!


Come To Our Advanced Office

Take the steps necessary to ensure dental implantation success with bone grafting. We can help you achieve a new smile at our advanced office. Get in contact with doctors, Dr. Jerome WeesDr. John WewelDr. Jason May, and Dr. Benjamin Anderson, in our Midwest Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today!

How Many Teeth Can Dental Implants Replace?

three single dental implants being placed into a jaw model.Single or multiple missing teeth can be replaced by dental implants. Dental implants are a revolutionary dental restoration procedure that provides 99% bite power, new aesthetic appeal, function, and improved look and jawbone health. Dental implants are a fantastic option to achieve a new smile that a dentist in Omaha, NE may recommend if patients are dealing with one or more missing or damaged teeth!


About The Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants in Omaha, NE are small titanium, biocompatible posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone and act as a root for the new tooth. Once in place, they provide a sturdy anchor for replacement teeth, which can be attached to the implant using a variety of methods.

For patients with insufficient bone tissue, the first stage of the procedure begins with a bone graft. The bone graft is the part that allows the patient’s body to grow its own bone around the implant. This process usually takes between 4 and 8 months, but it may be longer if patients smoke or have other health problems that affect healing time.

The next stage of the dental implant procedure is the actual placement of the artificial tooth. Once the bone graft has grown to a healthy size, the dental professional can place a post into it. This post will be used to hold the new tooth in place. During this stage of the procedure, the dentist can also put an abutment onto the post. The abutment is what attaches to the artificial tooth.

Dental implants are a fantastic way to restore one or several teeth and should be done by a skilled dentist that used modern technology and has extensive experience and knowledge about dental implant placement. If taken care of properly, the results should last a lifetime!


What Are My Dental Implant Options In Omaha, NE?

Implants can be used to replace one tooth, several teeth, or all of the teeth in the upper or lower jaw. They are also used to support dentures.  Dental implants are a popular and effective way to replace missing teeth. They are designed to provide a strong foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth.


We Can Replace Your Teeth With Dental Implants In Omaha, NE

Ready for a brand-new smile? Missing one or more teeth will no longer be an issue with dental implants. Get in contact with doctors, Dr. Jerome WeesDr. John WewelDr. Jason May, and Dr. Benjamin Anderson, in our Midwest Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today!

How Can Full Mouth Dental Implants Benefit Me?

a dental professional showing full mouth dental implant restorations.People may be beyond ready for a new smile if they are experiencing missing, damaged, or misshaped teeth. After assessing the patients teeth, a skilled dentist may recommend dental implants in Omaha, NE as a smile restoration option.

Dental implants are super versatile and replace one or more teeth. If patients have several teeth missing or damaged, or in need of repair or restoration, they may receive full mouth dental implants and achieve their best smile yet!


All About Full Mouth Dental Implants

A dental implant has a titanium screw that attaches to the jaw, replacing the root of a missing tooth. The dentist can usually place the dental implant in the patients mouth during a two-step process after the tooth has been removed.

The first step to placing a dental implant is removing the damaged or lost tooth, and then placing the dental implant. After the implant has been placed, it will be left in place for about three to four months to allow the jawbone to grow over the implant. During this time, the patient may have a temporary replacement tooth attached to the implant.

After the dental implant has integrated with the jawbone, a permanent tooth is attached to the implant. This procedure can be used in place of a bridge or denture to restore a patient’s smile.


What Kind Of Dental Implant Treatments Can I Get?

Dental implants can be used to replace single or multiple missing teeth. The most common reason for placing a dental implant is to replace a tooth that has been lost due to gum disease, injury, or decay. A dental implant is also a good solution for teeth that have been damaged or broken.


What Are The Benefits Of A Full Mouth Dental Implant Treatment?

A full mouth dental implant treatment can offer many benefits for a person’s smile, appearance, and oral health. Dental implants can give patients the confidence to show their smile in public and can also improve the function of a person’s bite. In addition, dental implants can help preserve the bone in the jaw and can prevent teeth from shifting.

Basically, the benefits and advantages of full mouth dental implants include:

  • Natural looking and feeling.
  • More comfortable than dentures.
  • Retain your facial structure and smile.


Who Can Place My Full Mouth Dental Implants?

For those who are ready to be free of a less than stellar smile, dental implants are a great choice. However, patients must find the right dentist to make sure their results are long-lasting and the absolute best.

A dentist in Omaha, NE should understand how important having a great smile can be and its impact on their daily life, tooth function, and appearance. They should provide treatment in a caring environment with modern technology and advanced knowledge and experience in placing full mouth dental implants successfully. These restorative options are fantastic, and patients can rest assured they can have great results!


We Can Place Your Full Mouth Dental Implants

Full mouth dental implants could be the perfect tooth restoration option for you. Get in contact with doctors, Dr. Jerome WeesDr. John WewelDr. Jason May, and Dr. Benjamin Anderson, in our Midwest Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today! Your new smile is within reach.

Can I Replace One Or More Missing Teeth With Dental Implants?

If you’re missing one or more teeth, dental implants may be an option for your smile. Learn about the benefits and costs of replacing a single tooth at a time as well as all-on-four dental implant options.

Dental implants in Omaha, NE are by far the best solution for missing teeth. The loss of even a single tooth can be devastating to a patient’s surrounding teeth. These problems can also extend beyond a patient’s oral health and have negative effects on their social life. A patient’s appearance, chewing ability and self-confidence are all compromised when they have a missing tooth.

If treatment is delayed, tooth loss also invites other oral problems, including bone loss. This is especially true when patients delay treatment and teeth are not replaced. For those who are missing one or multiple teeth, a trusted dentist can remedy this issue with dental implants!


Dental Implants For The Treatment Of One Or Several Missing Teeth

Tooth loss can occur for many different reasons, including advanced periodontal disease and trauma. Those who suffer from tooth loss are not alone. With over 178 million people affected, tooth loss is extremely common among U.S. adults. Below are a few options to consider when replacing missing teeth with dental implants in Omaha, NE.

Single Implants

If one or more teeth need correction in various spots, single dental implants can be placed using zirconia or titanium materials. Zirconia dental implants are an FDA-approved alternative to traditional titanium implants. Like their counterpart, zirconia implants are designed to both mimic the natural tooth root and prevent jawbone loss, while adding to the smile’s aesthetics and function.

A trusted dentist places zirconia implants for patients who desire an allergy-free and metal-free alternative to traditional implants.

Multiple Implants

When multiple implants are needed for tooth replacement, full mouth dental implants can be placed on the top or bottom row of the jawbone. As with the single implants, multiple implants can be placed to provide a full arch tooth replacement, restoring a patients smile aesthetically and functionally.


Ready For Your Dental Implants In Omaha, NE?

Whether you need one or more teeth restored, dental implants can get the job done!

Get in contact with Dr. Jerome WeesDr. John WewelDr. Jason May, and Dr. Benjamin Anderson at our Midwest Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today!

Who Qualifies For Dental Implants?

a dental implant patient enjoying a new smile after restoration treatment.

For many people, dealing with missing or damaged teeth can be a really hard experience. That is why dental implants in Omaha, NE should be considered when looking for a permanent tooth restoration treatment.


When Do You Need Dental Implants?

When people have a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth, self-esteem can suffer, and it can be harder to eat the foods they love or smile with confidence. Oral health problems can occur from missing teeth as well, such as remaining teeth moving out of alignment and the onset of progressive jawbone atrophy, which can cause people to appear older than they are.

When these problems occur, what treatment can patient’s quality for? Fortunately, there are several remedies for this issue that a trusted dentist can recommend, including dental implants. Since dental implants in Omaha, NE solve these problems and have many other incredible benefits, they are the preferred tooth restoration solution for broken, failing, or missing teeth.

About The Procedure

In general, dental implants are a type of artificial tooth, generally made from titanium, that are placed into the jawbone where they replace teeth that are missing or have been damaged.

Dental implants are increasingly becoming the “gold standard” for dental restoration procedures. They offer a number of benefits, such as:

– They are more durable and longer lasting.

– They are easier to repair or replace if they fail.

– They provide a natural appearance that is less likely to need cosmetic work.

– They can be used in both primary and permanent teeth.

Dental implants in Omaha, NE are certainly a versatile permanent tooth restoration solution to missing or damaged teeth.


We Can Place Your Dental Implants

Our trusted doctor can place your dental implants for you. Get in contact with doctors, Dr. Jerome WeesDr. John WewelDr. Jason May, and Dr. Benjamin Anderson, in our Midwest Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today!