Can I Replace My Missing Teeth With Zirconium Dental Implants In Omaha, NE?

a digital model of a lower arch receiving a single dental implant.

When people have missing teeth due to gum disease or oral trauma, then they will want to replace those missing teeth with a reliable and long-lasting tooth replacement solution. The good news is people can replace their missing teeth with zirconium dental implants in Omaha, NE.  Zirconia dental implants are a biocompatible alternative to titanium dental implants. With zirconia dental implants, patients can replace one or more missing teeth.

What Is A Zirconium Dental Implant In Omaha, NE?

As the name implies, zirconia dental implants are made from the material zirconium. Zirconium is translucent and the color white, mimicking the look of a natural tooth. It is also super durable, meaning they can last longer than people’s natural teeth.

Zirconium dental implants are a metal free alternative to traditional dental implants that are composed of three main parts. The three main parts of a zirconium dental implant are the dental implant post, the abutment, and the prosthesis or crown. When a dental implant post is securely placed in a patient’s jawbone, it fuses with it in a natural process called osseointegration.

Once the zirconium dental implant is in place, it stimulates the jawbone like a natural tooth does. This stimulation keeps the jawbone healthy and strong. When people replace their missing teeth with a zirconium dental implant, they get a natural looking new smile they can eat their favorite foods with and be able to speak comfortably with.


How Do I Get My Zirconium Dental Implants Placed?

To get the absolute best results with zirconium dental implants, it’s imperative for people to seek the expertise of a skilled oral surgeon with extensive training, a caring environment, and advanced technology. From start to finish, the most modern technology is used to ensure maximum precision in zirconium dental implant placements.

When people first come in to be examined for their zirconium dental implant procedure, the Cone Beam CT scan and intraoral scanner is used. Patients can discuss and go over their oral wants and needs with the oral surgeon so they can plan their personalized zirconium dental implant procedure.

After sedation dentistry is administered and additional procedures, like tooth extractions, are performed so patients have a successful zirconium dental implant surgery, the surgical placement of the zirconium dental implants can begin.

When the oral surgeon creates the patients dental implant guide, their zirconium dental implants can be accurately and precisely placed, removing any guesswork from the surgical procedure. Following the strategic placement of the zirconium dental implants, the patient can go to a trusted dentist to get their temporary prosthesis placed so they have a new smile the same day as their surgery while they wait for their final prosthesis to be created.

Once the final prosthesis is ready, placed, and cemented, then the patient will have a new smile they can eat, speak, and smile comfortably with.


Go To Our Office To Replace Your Missing Teeth With Zirconium Dental Implants

Ready to restore the look, function, and health of your smile with zirconium dental implants? Get in contact with Dr. John Wewel and our excellent team of professionals at our Midwest Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today!

During A Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure, How Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

An image of a wisdom tooth that needs removed.

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause a lot of pain and problems. When wisdom teeth are impacted, harmful bacteria can get stuck in the tight spaces of the overcrowded teeth. The symptoms associated with impacted wisdom teeth include tender and swollen gums. For those who have impacted wisdom teeth, they should go to a skilled doctor for a wisdom tooth removal in Omaha, NE. Here is how wisdom teeth can be removed.


What Happens During The Wisdom Tooth Removal Process?

Also known as third molars, wisdom teeth are the last permanent teeth to erupt in people’s mouths. Wisdom teeth usually erupt when people are in their late teens or early twenties.  Some people never develop wisdom teeth or have wisdom teeth that don’t cause issues. For those who have problematic wisdom teeth, they will want to get them treated with a proven wisdom tooth removal procedure.

By going to a dental professional to get their wisdom teeth removed in Omaha, NE, people can expect the following during their wisdom tooth removal procedure process:


Customized Consultation:

People will get digital images of their teeth taken with advanced technologies to determine the exact location of their wisdom teeth so they can get them accurately removed.

Sedation Dentistry:

People can be administered with sedation dentistry before their wisdom tooth removal procedure begins so they can have a painless and anxiety-free experience.

The Wisdom Tooth Removal Process:

Surgical tools will be used to remove the wisdom teeth.

The Healing Process For Wisdom Tooth Removals:

Finally, once the wisdom tooth, or teeth, are fully removed, patients can be given specific instructions so that they have a comfortable and efficient procedure process.

Once wisdom teeth are removed, the symptoms associated them can be solved.


See Us Now For Your Wisdom Tooth Removals In Omaha, NE

Wisdom teeth removal procedures can alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with impacted wisdom teeth. Come to our dedicated office for a consultation to get your wisdom teeth precisely removed. Get in contact with our doctor, Dr. John Wewel at our office in Omaha, NE to schedule an appointment today!

What Makes Me A Candidate For A Dental Implant Procedure?

An image of an older woman sitting in a dental chair after a dental implant procedure.


When people have missing teeth, their jawbone tissue can get reabsorbed due to a lack of nutrients, blood flow, and stimulation. A great treatment to rebuild bone is bone grafting. Bone grafting can make people who have low jawbone density candidates for dental implants in Omaha, NE.

Dental implants can not only improve a person’s smile, improve their ability to speak properly, and eat and drink their favorite items again, they can also improve their jawbone health.

How Does Bone Grafting Make Me A Candidate For Dental Implants In Omaha, NE?

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that replaces missing or damaged bone with healthy tissue. It is specifically used to improve the health and volume of the jawbone.

Jawbone density loss can occur for several reasons, including tooth loss. Tooth loss can cause the bone tissue left behind by missing teeth to become reabsorbed by the body because of a lack of stimulation, blood flow, and essential nutrients needed to strengthen and maintain the bone tissue. This makes it even more difficult to get restorative dental procedures, such as dental implants.

However, with bone grafting, people can restore their jawbone density so they can become candidates for dental implants. There are four main types of bone grafts patients can get treated with in their restorative bone grafting procedures so they can become candidates for dental implants. These bone grafting procedures include:



Uses bone from the patient’s own body, such as from the hip or ribs.


Uses bone from a different donor source, usually a cadaver.


Uses bone from another species, such as a cow, pig, or sea animal.


Uses a synthetic material, such as calcium phosphate or calcium sodium phosphosilicate.

If people have jawbone loss and they are interested in getting treated with dental implants in Omaha, NE, then they should consider getting a bone grafting procedure. Not only can bone grafting improve the health of a patient’s smile, this procedure can also improve the look and structure of their face by providing excellent volume and density to their jawbone.


Come To Our Office For Your Bone Grafting And Dental Implant Procedures


When you come to our caring and skilled office, you can become a candidate for dental implants through our proven bone grafting procedures. Don’t wait to improve your smile with us. Get in contact with our doctor, Dr. Wewel at our office in in Omaha, NE to schedule an appointment today!