Can Periodontitis Be Cured?

Can Periodontitis Be Cured?

Advanced gum disease, which is also referred to as periodontitis, cannot be completely cured. Therefore, it’s highly important for patients to protect themselves against developing periodontitis in Omaha, NE. This can be done by practicing good oral hygiene techniques. Doing so will help to prevent gum disease from forming, or if it is present, it will help it from escalating to periodontitis.

Also, patients should be sure to make regularly scheduled dental visits to get all their teeth and gums checked to prevent gum disease from developing, or to treat it if it’s present.


Periodontitis, or advanced periodontal disease, occurs when the bone and surrounding tissue is irreversibly damaged. Teeth begin to shift, changing a person’s bite and possibly leading to bone loss and tooth loss.

This becomes an issue for any future restoration goals as a lack of bone can make it more difficult to receive restorative procedures such as dental implants, bridges, or veneers. Even more important, this issue can render the health of a person’s gum and bone tissue more susceptible to further occurrences of advanced periodontitis if left untreated.

What Causes Periodontitis

Since gum disease occurs in stages, gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease, should be treated first to prevent periodontitis from occurring in Omaha, NE. The gums become inflamed after constant exposure to bacteria that releases toxins, leading to damaged gum and bone tissue.

At this point, professional dental care is definitely needed to ensure the remaining health of the mouth is salvaged. Beyond that, care is necessary to ensure the toxins do not travel into the bloodstream to other parts of the body, leading to fatal consequences.

What Can Your Dentist Do?

If a patient’s gum disease progresses and develops into periodontitis, then simply brushing or flossing their teeth will not be enough to stop the spread of the disease. The most it can do is slow down the spread of the disease.

In the end, however, if a patient would like their periodontitis to be treated effectively in Omaha, NE, it would be best to reach out to a trusted dentist to have a professional cleaning]. Refer to the information below for some more details about the different types of procedures that can be done to treat periodontitis:

Tissue Grafting:

Periodontitis vigorously eats away gum tissue, but a dentist can graft new gum tissue in areas where the gums have deteriorated due to the gum disease.

Crown Lengthening:

A dentist can reshape a patients teeth and gums to help make a tooth, that has been worn down, visible. This will help show more teeth within a patient’s new smile.

Pocket Elimination:

This procedure involves folding the gums back, and then trimming away diseased tissue, followed by recontouring the gums against the teeth.

What You Can Do At Home

As far as what patients can do at home to keep their gums and teeth healthy, the best thing to do is to follow a dentist’s oral hygiene advice.

What To Do Next

We know the importance of achieving and maintaining a healthy smile. As such, this practice offers several treatment options to both prevent and treat periodontitis.

If you think you have gum disease, you should contact Dr. John Wewel and our skilled team at Midwest Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today!

Three Exciting Benefits of Dental Implants

Three Exciting Benefits of Dental Implants

Thanks to new advances in dental technology procedures are less invasive and treatment options are more customized. With this in mind there is no reason that a patient should settle for being unsatisfied with their smile. Dental Implants are on the rise thanks to advancements in dental technology. Also, if a patient is suffering from missing teeth and is unsatisfied with their smile dental implants is for them. It should be noted that unlike dentures dental implants offer a patient permanent tooth restoration.

Easy Care
It should be noted that dental implants are easy to care for and they also replace the natural tooth. To clean your dental implants, you can brush and floss and these are the same steps you would take with your natural teeth. Also, just like with your natural teeth maintaining regularly scheduled visits to your dentist is very important to ensure that you are maintaining your oral health. Also, because your dental implants don’t have to be removed your care of them is equal to the same care as your natural teeth.

Preserving the Jaw
When it comes to preserving the jaw getting dental implants helps to preserve a jaw that has already started deteriorating. Dental Implants are installed directly at the root of the tooth unlike dentures that are only a cover up. Given the fact that dental implants are installed at the root by having them installed you are protecting the bone that is in your jaw. The bone is protected which protects against the bone deteriorated and helps to preserve the patient’s jaw which in turn also preserves the patients new smile.

Eat What You Want
When you have dental implants you no longer have dietary restrictions. For example, with dentures you have to be mindful of certain foods you eat because dentures are not permanently installed into your mouth. This means that if you eat certain foods you would have to worry about your dentures slipping out. Dental Implants are permanently installed into your mouth and you don’t need to have any dietary restrictions with Dental Implants because they are function the same way that your natural teeth would.

Contact Us
If you’re suffering from missing teeth and you are looking for a permanent solution then dental implants are the right choice for you. Contact your dentist today to set up a consultation to discuss your options.